Digital painting post describes a creation method. How to develop an original oil painting from digital art. The viewer will understand the sequence of creation of “Time persistence”, original oil painting after reading this post. The artist indicated that the subject of the painting is life and time. The artist divided the painting into several abstract areas. And each area is suggesting a moment or an experience throughout our lifetime. Therefore, life is a composition of many patches. The artist painted shapes fluidly moving left to right in the painting. A reminder that everything is subject to possible change. And nothing is constant in life. The only exception is the “Time persistence”.

Asset collection

In the first phase, the artist collects visual assets such as photographs to use in the digital painting. In this case, he chose two old mixed media watercolor pencil drawings, an image of an old clock, an image of a hand, clouds and two portraits. He digitally assembled the parts to create the composition.


The artist describes the following composition steps. In the beginning, he assembled digital images which he combined in Photoshop to create a sketch. First, he chose a mixed media pencil watercolor image as a background. He considered the background as an abstract suggestion of life’s time intervals. He then chose a watch to visually convey time.

In the next step, the artist chose a photograph of a sitting man. This is main element representing life. Subsequently, he added a hand to hold the clock. He later added a portrait, a man staring at life itself.

To add more interest the artist added a second profile portrait. And he blended the additional human face with the main portrait. To add movement and interest, the artist then added clouds in the background. And he proceeded to add an additional mixed media pencil watercolor. After that, the artist replaced the image of the original clock with a more realistic gold pocket watch.

Oil painting

After all the parts have been assembled and composed the artist printed the digital picture. I then used the image as a sketch to painting the original painting titled “Time Persistence”. You can view the sequence in the following image below, and the “Time Persistence” oil painting here.


In conclusion, digital art is an important step in the visualizing process leading to the creation of an original oil painting. To read more browse the photography post on the BLOG.

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